CHORIZO aims to improve the understanding about how social norms influence consumer behaviour and economic actors’ decisions related to food loss and waste (FLW) generation. Today, 29th of September we celebrate the 4th International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Wastes (IDAFLW), which is a great opportunity to call to action both the public (national or local authorities) and the private sector (businesses and individuals), to prioritise actions and move ahead with innovation to reduce food loss and waste towards restoring and building back better and resilient-ready, food systems.

To significantly accelerate progress towards zero food waste, CHORIZO partners aim to use this knowledge to increase the effectiveness of decision-making and engagement of food chain actors, in changing social norms towards zero food waste.

To achieve this aim, the project is working to provide evidence on the role of existing social norms in actors’ FLW behaviours through translating results from previous FLW actions into evidence and generate new evidence on social norms & FLW behaviours.

CHORIZO – Three years project financed by Horizon Europe program. The consortium is formed by 15 European partners (Food Associations, Technological Centers, Universities, Food Bank Association, Innovation Clusters, among others) and coordinated by ILVO, Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Research. The partners are working all together through 7 Work Packages with different objectives such as: data collection of FLW through 6 different Case Studies, creation of a model to predict and better understand behaviour towards food waste, foster educational packages, and the development of a City Interest Group for changing social norms towards zero FLW.

It is time to act and collaborate!

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