Our partners from CHORIZO project joined the public event “Let’s reduce consumer food waste! Solutions from the European Consumer Food Waste Forum” the 5th of June 2024 in Brussels.
The conference had an interactive format, including panel discussions on specific topics with experts sharing their experience with participants, and parallel sessions where participants had the chance to present FLW prevention actions and receive feedback from experts.
The event was targeted to all actors involved in consumer food waste prevention actions from both public and private sectors, from authorities, industries, consumers, environmental NGOs, food banks, universities, schools etc. Participants were excited to share the latest initiatives and discuss how the solutions of the European Consumer Food Waste Forum can support their work.
Partners from ILVO, CSCP, ICLEI, University of Bologna and University of Copenhagen were part of the panel discussions about different topics such as: “Reducing consumer food waste: challenges and opportunities”; “Designing, monitoring and evaluating your consumer food waste prevention action”; “Actions to reduce consumer food waste by policymakers, with a focus on cities and regions”; “Actions to reduce consumer food waste in schools and universities”, and had the opportunity to foster the results and aims of the CHORIZO project.
You can check the Agenda here.
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